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We will not cover the costs for return shipping!

If a package will be automatically returned by the shipping company/postal service because you weren't at home and/or it wasn't picked up by you at a pick-up station in time you will get a refund of your order minus the transaction & handling fees of your chosen payment provider and any other expenses of the postal/shipping service that may occurs as soon as the package is back at my lab! You will also get charged by an administrative flat-rate charge of €5,- no matter of how big or small your order is.

No returns of analog film material accepted! You will lose the right of withdrawal for analog film once you hit the checkout button!


Right Of Withdrawal

1. Right of withdrawal

You have the right to withdraw from this contract within 14 days without giving any reason. The withdrawal period will expire after 14 days from the day of the formation of the contract. To exercise the right of withdrawal, you must inform us (ARTJUNGLEproductions e.U., Belvederegasse 30/1, 1040 Vienna (phone +4366475007430, e-mail: of your decision to withdraw from this contract by a definite and clear statement (e.g. a letter sent by post or e-mail). You may use the attached model withdrawal form, but it is not obligatory. To meet the withdrawal deadline, it is sufficient for you to send your communication concerning your exercise of the right of withdrawal before the withdrawal period has expired.

2. Effects of withdrawal

If you withdraw from this contract, we shall reimburse to you all payments received from you, minus the costs of delivery & transaction & handling fees of the chosen payment provider or any other costs that may occur by third parties that we also have to pay. You will also get charged by an administrative flat-rate charge of €5,- no matter of how big or small your order is. We will not cover the costs for return shipping! We will carry out such reimbursement using the same means of payment as you used for the initial transaction.

3. Model withdrawal form

(Complete and return this form only if you wish to withdraw from the contract)

To ARTJUNGLEproductions e.U., Belvederegasse 30/1, 1040 Vienna (phone +4366475007430, e-mail:

I/We (*) hereby give notice that I/We (*) withdraw from my/our (*) contract of sale of the following goods (*)/for the provision of the following service (*),

Ordered on (*)/received on (*),

Name of user(s),

Address of user(s),

Signature of user(s) (only if this form is notified on paper), Date

(*) Delete as appropriate

Exemption from withdrawal right

You will lose your right of withdrawal before the end of the withdrawal period if we begin with the performance of our services and you have given your express consent to the beginning of the performance before the end of the withdrawal period and your acknowledgment that you lose your right of withdrawal by giving this consent with the beginning of the performance. We will inform you about this exemption from your withdrawal right and ask for your express consent and acknowledgment within the ordering process. Beginning of our performance means the granting of access to our service or products.


Also all analog film material is excluded from withdrawal without any extra notice at the checkout as we can't control if the film material has been damaged by you or not (as film is light sensitive for example).



PayPal, Credit Card, Klarna

According to the EU-OSS law we have to charge the respective VAT of your destination country which will get calculated and stated accordingly at the checkout.



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  • When Will You Ship My Negatives Back?
    If you order fresh film with your dev & scan service I will immediately send you the negs back with your fresh film order once they are developed & scanned. This would be the most efficient, easy & cheapest way for you to get your negatives back as you'll save shipping costs (if you need fresh film anyways). If you do not need fresh film please book your negative return separately depending on which country you're living in (Austria, Germany or any other country within the EU). You can do this with every order or just once every 3 months/every year (or whatever time span you prefer). I'll ship your negatives as soon as you booked the return service. I'll store your negatives for a maximum of 12 months!
  • Do You Offer Push & Pull Processing?
    I can push any film from +1/3 to +3 stops at no additional cost. For pull processing I do -1/3 to a maximum of -1 stop because of technical reasons. Also at no additional cost!
  • Can You Develop Expired Film?
    YES, I will develop any expired film. No matter if it's ECN-2, C41 or B/W. I cannot guarantee the results of your expired film though, and won't be able to extend any refunds if these results do not meet your expectations. It's always best to reach out before sending expired film to me.
  • What Sizes Are Your 120 Scans?
    Currently I'm offering the following scan sizes for 120 films: • Large Scan: smaller side has a minimum of 2000px • X-Large Scan:, smaller side has a minimum of 3600px All scans will be provided in .tiff format for you without any additional costs or similar!
  • How Long Will My Negatives Be Stored?
    I'll store your negatives for 12 months. So please book your negative return or come by and pick them up within that timeframe. Otherwise I'll safely destroy them. If you 100% sure you do not want your negs back please also let me know beforehand to save me some time and costs (and also some plastic which would be good for the environment). Thanks!
  • What Are Flat Scans?
  • How Will I Get The Scans (File Format, Links,..)?
    All scans will be provided in .tiff format for you without any additional costs or similar! The scans will be uploaded on my Dropbox Account and you'll get the link sent out via your provided email address. Please download your scans within 6 months. They will get deleted from my Dropbox after this period of time!
  • Which Scanner Do You Use?
    I currently own two different scanners. A Fuji Frontier SP-3000 & Blackmagic Design Cintel G3 HDR+.
  • What Are Cineon LOG Scans?
    These scans will come to you in a super flat colour space for maximum flexibility for postproduction. This worklflow is coming from the Motion Picture Industry and I'm also using a Motion Picture Scanner from Blackmagic Design (Cintel G3 HDR+) for these scans. Meaning I'm able to deliver a motion picture workflow of your stills. You will get LOG files with this option which are meant for colorgrading. More & detailed info coming soon!
  • How Do I Bring Or Send Film To You?
    Please book your needed development method (35mm or 120 film), chemistry (ECN-2, C41 or B/W) and scan size and send your film with your name & order number to the lab: z.H.: Nico Fink Belvederegasse 30/1 1040 Vienna AUSTRIA If you want to come by in person please reach out and book an appointment via email (, phone (+43 664 7500 7430) or Instagram ( I do not have standard opening hours, as I'm just one person running all of this and most of the time I'm busy developing or scanning and because of that it's impossible to have clients drop in at any time. I'm really sorry – but this way I can keep all the prices low & turnaround times fast. I hope you'll understand :)
  • What size are your 35mm scans?
    Currently I'm offering the following scan sizes for 35mm films: • Basic (2551x1830px) • Standard (3637x2433px) • Large (4547x3047px) • XL (5444x3649px) • Cintel LOG (~6000x4000px) All scans will be provided in .tiff format for you without any additional costs or similar!
  • Can I Send You My Disposable Camera Film Camera For Developing & Scanning?
    YES, please feel free to send in any disposable camera you shot on. No matter if it's color or B/W. I will retrieve the film and develop & scan as you wish.
  • What Kind Of Film Can You Develop?
    I can develop 35mm & 120 sized film in ECN-2 (motion picture color film), C-41 (photography color film) and Black/White chemistry!
  • I'm not from Vienna – can I still send you my film for development & scanning or order fresh films from you?
    YES, please! I'm offering all lab services & shipping service of fresh film for everyone all over Europe. So as long as you're within the EU feel free to order or send film for development & scanning my way! Would make me really happy to have customers all over Europe. If you're living outside the EU it's unfortunately a bit cumbersome with customs & shipping fees but feel free to reach out via email ( or Instagram ( so that we can figure out a custom solution for you and work out all the details needed :)


Nico Fink

Belvederegasse 30/1
1040 Vienna




THX For Your Message!

© 2024 Nico Fink / ARTJUNGLEproductions e.U.

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