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True cinefilm = best bang for your buck!
This film is a true 70mm Kodak Vision3 Motion Picture Film which also gets used in Hollywood on films like Oppenheimer, 2001 – A Space Odyssey, or simiar. It is cut to medium format photography format and respooled from the standard 400ft (122m) rolls for any 120 photography cameras in recycled film paper backing. 


500T has an native ASA/ISO of 500 and is balanced for Tungsten (3200K).

I'd recommend to overexpose film a bit though.

I will always provide you with a fresh cut of film which is always stored properly in the fridge! 


This needs to be developed in ECN-2 chemicals!

You can't develop this film with the standard C41 chemical process.

You can book ECN-2 processing here:

Reflx Lab 500T, 120 (Real ECN-2 70mm Kodak Vision3 500T (5219) ReSpooled Film)

SKU: Reflx120_500T
€ 16,50 Regular Price
€ 14,50Sale Price
VAT Included


    Nico Fink

    Belvederegasse 30/1
    1040 Vienna




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