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True cinefilm = best bang for your buck!
This film is Kodak Vision3 Motion Picture Film which also gets used in Hollywood and other big bufget film productions. I respooled this very film from the standard 400ft (122m) rolls for photography cameras (36 exposures; around 1,6m) in recycled film canisters. 


50D has an native ASA/ISO of 50 and is balanced for Daylight (5600K).

DX-Code available now! 


The perfect film for sunny summer days! Especially if you want to shoot with an open apurture!Very similar aesthetics to Kodak Vision3 250D. Just a bit finer grain!

I will always provide you with a fresh cut of film which is always stored properly in the fridge! 


This needs to be developed in ECN-2 chemicals!

You can't develop this film with the standard C41 chemical process.

You can book ECN-2 processing here:

UNWIND 50D ~ Kodak Vision3 50D 5203 (ECN-2; ReSpooled Motion Picture Film)

PriceFrom € 9,00
VAT Included
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